What to Eat and Avoid For a Healthy GERD Diet

It is possible to lose weight, feel better and have less GERD with a proper GERD diet


When we experience GERD, it causes a very unpleasant experience that can be both physically and mentally painful.


Some of the symptoms of GERD are bloating, pain while eating, sore throat and coughing. These are just a few of the symptoms and there is also pain when you sleep. The pain can even be so bad that you wake up every single day in pain.


You might have to deal with GERD for years if you don't treat it appropriately. Luckily it can be treated.


Your diet plays a big role in dealing with GERD and losing weight. When you go on a diet to lose weight, you will probably have to cut down on many things that you might have been using for many years. If you cut down on certain foods like chocolate and caffeine, it will help you feel better.


You will want to make sure that your GERD diet includes all of the right kinds of foods. If you have an intolerance for wheat and gluten then it is best that you avoid them. You should also avoid having dairy products because they contain calcium. Avoiding foods that are high in fat is also a good idea.


Many people think that if they have GERD that it has to be something that they can't eat. You can actually eat what you want but be careful not to over do it or eat too much because you might end up hurting yourself.


Eating smaller meals throughout the day is the best way to eat and this helps keep your stomach full


It is important to drink plenty of water and stay away from alcohol. If you smoke you should quit and if you drink too much you should quit as well. Alcohol is not good for your health.


A proper GERD diet will help you deal with the symptoms of GERD without any pain or side effects at all. It is important that you find out if you have GERD or have an intolerance to gluten and other foods that can cause your GERD symptoms to get worse.


Your doctor may be able to help you figure out what kind of GERD you have. There are many different types of this condition and each one has its own cause. You can find out what kind of GERD you have by looking at the test called the GERD Gastric Reflux Rating.


With the right foods you can eat you can live a normal life without the discomfort and problems that GERD can cause. When you know what you can eat, you will be better able to make sure that you have the right foods for your GERD diet. and help reduce your symptoms.


Many people have found relief from GERD by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and cereals that are made with whole grains. Other people find relief by eating lean protein. meats such as chicken or turkey and fish. It is very important to avoid eating too much red meat, cheese, onions, and garlic.


Try to limit your intake of sugar and white flour if possible. If you have a difficult time getting to sleep at night then you may want to consider taking a supplement.


Remember that you need to have some form of exercise daily and getting up and moving is just as important for a good GERD diet. You should also make sure that you are getting plenty of water in your diet. The water will help flush out the food that you eat so that it doesn't stick to your stomach.

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