Ten Tips for Helping Kids Eat Better

~ Appeal to their interests by making them aware of the many benefits they will derive from eating healthy (i.e. every child wants to be strong, healthy, fast, smart, etc.).

2 ~ Educate them about what are wise food choices and how to make them, and avoid making sweeping statements such as “that food is bad for you”, etc..

3 ~ Involve them with food preparation as much as possible, at as early an age as possible.

4 ~ Avoid using food as a reward or comfort food., especially unhealthy foods.

5 – Be an example by Eating for Health regularly yourself and ask them to help keep you on track (fair is fair!).

6 ~ Don’t keep tempting “junk” food in the house. Do keep plenty of healthy foods and snacks on hand.

7 ~ Make a fun game out of exploring new healthy alternatives to unhealthy habits by taste testing new foods and finding ones that they/you like.

8 ~ Encourage other parents, teachers and family members to make healthy foods available at school and social functions.

9 ~ Increase understanding and body awareness by conducting a fun experiment having them record how they feel before and after eating a generous amount of sugary foods, for example.

10 ~ Pack a bag with nutritious foods when going out, and avoid having to resort to poor quality food choices for the sake of convenience and availability.

By Kelly Hayford, C.N.C., Copyright © 2012


Kelly Hayford, C.N.C. is the award-winning author of If It’s Not Food Don’t Eat It! As a former junk food junkie turned nutrition and health coach, she has helped thousands reverse dis-ease, and restore their health, energy and natural weight. For more information, visit: www.KellyHayford.com or call 209.815.1444.

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